Features of stem cell treatment combined with logopedic work in children with ASD
One of the symptoms accompanying autism spectrum disorder is delayed speech development. This pathology requires specialist professional involvement, and speech development for children with autism is provided by a logopedist. This is necessary, due to dysfunctions of the child’s speech center. He/she cannot communicate normally with parents and peers, and cannot study productively at school along with other children.
There are several stages in the work of the logopedist when treating autism:
- Diagnosis – determining the patient’s capabilities and needs
- Formulation of an exercise plan depending on the complexity of the pathogenesis and individual data
- Classes – a logopedist will teach certain exercises, and train parents to perform these exercises at home
Logopedic work with children with ASD is a long, diverse process requiring constant, active participation as the achieved results need to be consolidated.
Logopedic treatment aims to correct the following issues:
- Complete absence of speech
- Delayed speaking
- Echolalia – cyclical repetition of heard phrases or words instead of consciously responding to or producing speech
- Inability to communicate with others in the form of dialog.
- Word-for-word repetition of heard sentences or even texts without understanding their meaning
- Autonomous speech – speaking in one’s “own” language
- Word incoherence in sentences
- Problems with accents
- Missing intonation
- Unemotional and monotonous speech
- Use of unrelated words, etc.
A logopedist is one of the most important specialists in achieving positive therapeutic results for autistic children. However, because the pathology is difficult to treat, doctors recommend additional procedures for maximum effectiveness.
Results of logopedics in children with ASD
Every child is unique, and the pathogenesis of autism varies, so it is difficult to predict the therapy’s effectiveness. In most cases, children acquire basic communication and speaking skills that allow them to construct simple sentences and express their thoughts. However, this is not enough to equip a child to fully interact with society.
It is possible to increase the effectiveness of logopedic sessions significantly by visiting the Mardaleishvili Medical Center for cellular therapy.
Treating an autistic child with stem cells is many times more effective than classical therapy methods
A logopedist cannot affect the cellular structure of the brain in children with ASD; he can only correct one of the disease’s symptoms – speech disorder. At the same time, the main cause of autism is not eliminated. However, if the genetic “errors” of the brain are corrected, the general symptoms of the pathology will be reduced, and speech therapy will lead to the desired results.
Cell therapy is an innovative method to treat autism spectrum disorder in children. It restores anatomically correct brain structure in the injured parts of the brain without surgical intervention, ensuring the positive dynamics of overall therapy. This treatment is safe, effective and affordable.
Undergo autism stem cell correction in Georgia – the results of your logopedic therapy will be much improved.
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