Traditional developmental methods for ASD treatment
The development of a child with autism spectrum disorder is inhibited in many aspects. Dysfunctions can be tied to speech skills, intellectual abilities, social adaptation, behaviour, etc. Therefore, correctional programs are quite diverse and aimed at the correction of all vital skills. Below, as an example, we will look at them in comparison with cell therapy, which gives a completely different result — it reconstructs the brain and enhances the effectiveness of classical therapy methods.
A set of developmental therapy methods for autism:
- Speech launch. This is a program of exercises for patients with impaired speech functions. The program may include music classes, neuro- and bioacoustic correction, sensory integration, etc.
- Sensory integration. Exercises and activities aimed at sensory sphere correction, including hippotherapy, dolphin therapy, the development of fine motor skills, etc.
- ABA therapy means developing the communication sphere for productive interaction with other people. This is one of the most popular methods of developmental treatment for autism.
- Neuropsychological therapy is a correction of the interaction between the right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase its functionality.
- ART therapy. Classes to develop communication and creative abilities help a child perceive the world and communicate productively with it.
- Adaptive physical education. Group classes help the development of muscles and neuropsychological and sensorimotor abilities.
- Yogotherapy, kinesioyoga. A program of group and individual classes that are aimed at developing attention, self-regulation, and sensory skills.
- Sensorimotor developmental therapy for ASD is aimed at performing certain breathing and physical exercises.
- Vocal therapy. Music and singing classes are useful for establishing correct speech intonation. The therapist sets a goal to develop the ability to sing in chorus to eliminate repetitive vocalization syndrome.
- Productive activities are a set of exercises for developing self-service skills. It can include individual classes at home and group classes in the form of play psychology and social interaction.
This is anything but a complete list of methods used in traditional therapy for autism. Their effectiveness is not always sufficient, which leads to relapse and repetitive treatment.
Mardaleishvili Medical Centre is a well-known and actively developing clinic in Georgia with excellent prospects that can provide effective treatment!
Advantages of childhood autism correction in Tbilisi
The whole core of developmental therapy consists of correcting symptoms and helping patients adapt to their surrounding living conditions. But treatment of a child’s autism spectrum disorder can be more effective with the use of cell therapy, which mitigates all the pathology symptoms and restores the correct structure of the cortex, limbic system, and cerebellum. Moreover, the procedure is financially profitable and safe for a patient, and its effectiveness has been confirmed by thousands of procedures successfully implemented around the world.
Treat children’s autism with stem cells; this is a real opportunity to positively change the pathogenesis of the disease.
Autism Treatment Center Videos
Autism treatment with own stem cells
Cord blood association congress
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment
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