Treatment of autism with homeopathic medicines: myth or reality?
The need for effective treatment for autism is becoming more and more urgent in medicine and is leading to the emergence of different theories and experimental methods. Homeopathy for autism assumes, rather, that the mental retardation, part of ASD, needs to be corrected, but not early autism.
Treatment of ASD with homeopathy can be effective in part, but a more serious approach is required for autism correction.
The compensatory possibilities are wider in the case of ASD and mental retardation, so they can be partially corrected with the help of homeopathy.
The basics of using homeopathy as a treatment method for autism:
- There are no effective drugs that traditional medicine can offer for autism treatment, but homeopathy has its own procedures and recipes.
- Classical stimulants or neuroleptics only suppress symptoms, while homeopathic remedies can eliminate them more thoroughly.
- The homeopathic therapeutic complex involves not only the use of medications but also following certain recommendations that minimise neurodegenerative disorders.
Features of homeopathic therapy
It is impossible to give an example of at least one effective homeopathic procedure for autism treatment. Individual preparations and medications are selected for each patient. Homeopaths try to affect the cause of autism, ASD, or mental retardation, but not always effectively, because structural abnormalities of the brain are the cause of these disorders. Most often, homeopathy misleads people, and young patients undergoing questionable therapy waste time that could be spent on more effective treatment.
So, myth or reality?
Various alternative methods for correcting early autism and even ASD, such as diet, behavioural correction, detoxification, medications, and homeopathic complexes, do not “cure” in the traditional sense of the word — they all fight the symptoms but not the cause of the disease, which lies in the defects of the brain’s cellular structure.
Until now, a direct connection between homeopathy and clinically proven cases of successful treatment of children’s autism spectrum disorder has not been scientifically established. This method can only correct the manifestations of pathology to some extent. But it is just a placebo effect in many cases.
Therefore, it is better to turn to traditional treatment using developmental and physiotherapeutic methods and, even better, to innovative methods of correction that really work.
Mardaleishvili Medical Centre will not offer you homeopathy but will provide modern and effective stem cell treatment.
Effectiveness of the correction of childhood autism with cell therapy
The procedure of stem cell transplantation is the complete opposite of homeopathic treatment, which has no guaranteed pronounced therapeutic effect in the vast majority of clinical cases. Many years of experience have proven that this is a technique with no alternatives in its effectiveness, and it has every chance of becoming the number one method for the correction of autism. Doctors do not exclude the possibility that, with the help of stem cell therapy, this pathology can soon be completely treated using a simple, safe, and effective cell transplantation procedure that restores the correct structure of the brain. More details about it can be found on the clinic’s website.
A healthy and promising future for your child is in your hands; just undergo stem cell treatment for autism in children!
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