Treatment of autism with dietary supplements — medical practice experience and effectiveness
“Biomed” is a modern term meaning a biomedical approach to therapy. It is used in nutraceuticals, nutrition, psychiatry and other medical fields. The treatment of autism with dietary supplements has recently become very popular. These special supplements are based on beneficial elements that are lacking in the body of a sick person.
What are some effective medications and dietary supplements for autism?
People with autism spectrum disorder are deficient in zinc, magnesium, iron and calcium, which they do not get from foods due to digestive disorders. In addition, deficiencies of B-vitamins, cortisol, fatty acids, lysine, and methionine may also be diagnosed.
Autistic children are unable to obtain these substances from food, as they may have special preferences or intolerances to certain products. This can cause constipation, diarrhoea, vomiting, and other disorders, which negatively affect appetite, mood, and sleep.
A lack of nutrients affects the immune system, and worsens the pathogenesis of chronic diseases. This explains why autistic children often get sick; their bodies are sensitive to bacteria and viruses, and they may have allergic reactions to food.
The role of dietary supplements in the correction of autism
A lack of nutrients may also disrupt metabolic processes. Toxins accumulate in the body and also aggravate existing issues. Biologically active dietary supplements are designed to compensate for vitamin deficiencies by improving fermentation processes and metabolism, helping the body to actively remove toxins, and absorbing necessary substances. Naturally, these disorders impede the development of the child’s brain and aggravate the symptoms of the disease.
The Mardaleishvili Medical Centre is one of the best clinics in the world for stem cell transplantation, which is essential to the success of other procedures.
This is because stem cell treatment for childhood autism, in conjunction with various developmental exercises and physical procedures, appears to increase the recreational potential of the body. It has been scientifically proven that the effectiveness of other methods increases by several times after stem cell therapy.
The impact of childhood autism spectrum disorder treatment with stem cell transplantation:
- Restoration of the naturally correct structure of the brain
- Improvement of intellectual and communication skills
- Reduction of general disease symptoms
- Stimulation of cognitive activity, which helps the child develop new hobbies and facilitates an interest in the outside world
- Deepening and expansion of the child’s emotional and sensory sphere
Treatment of childhood autism with dietary supplements is not capable of providing such a powerful restorative effect. Conditionally useful elements of dietary supplements only help to reduce symptoms to some extent, stimulate the immune system, and saturate the body with essential vitamins and minerals, but do not contribute to the treatment of pathology in any way. So, it is much more reasonable to undergo the most effective treatment procedure with stem cells and, after that, consolidate the effect with dietary supplements and developmental activities.
Make an online appointment at the clinic and receive a free consultation and guidance on your next steps towards effective treatment for autism.
Autism Treatment Center Videos
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Autism Treatment Reviews
Autism treatment with own stem cells
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Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment
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