Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Autism
This methodology and ABA therapy for autism are two similar approaches, but with different purposes. ABA is mainly used in more complex cases, while cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) has a wider range of personality analysis and is designed to work with the patient in a holistic way that saves both time and financial resources.
CBT combines two techniques to impact autism spectrum disorder:
Cognitive therapy is used to activate the brain’s activity in cases of autism. The therapy includes a series of exercises and activities designed to develop the intellect so that the child can absorb vital information from others and the school curriculum and enhance their ability to learn by themselves.
Behavioural therapy is intended to help the child adapt to society. Sessions with a psychologist, group sessions, and home exercises in the family circle are designed to help the child expand the boundaries of his or her world perception, find their own place in it, and learn to be an integrated member of a healthy society.
Both approaches are integrated into one unified and holistic programme. As a rule, the child completes it more quickly than the individual approaches. It is interesting and unobtrusive, making it easy for children to understand. The programme contains different exercises with quick changes of activity, which activate attention and logical thinking and form cause-and-effect relationships. All sessions are conducted in a playful format according to the individual’s development.
The objectives and stages of cognitive-behavioural therapy for autism:
- A comprehensive analysis of the patient’s health status
- Creation of a long-term treatment strategy or therapeutic protocol with a focus on the patient’s individual characteristics
- Implementation of selected activities for the development of existing talents, imparting new skills, active socialisation, elimination of undesirable behavioural abnormalities, and mental development.
The results of CBT therapy for autism
Applied behaviour analysis and behavioural and cognitive correction are probably the main time-tested methods of correcting a child’s autism. There is sufficient evidence in medical practice to judge the effectiveness of this methodology, such as:
- Firstly, it has individual results for each patient.
- Secondly, it must be undergone continuously to achieve a lasting effect.
- Thirdly, CBT does not impact or eliminate the cause of the disorder.
- Fourthly, cognitive-behavioural therapy does not eliminate all of the pathological symptoms.
The Mardaleishvili Medical Centre in Georgia is the clinic where the new innovative treatment of autism has been proven to be highly effective.
Cell therapy is the modern correction for a child’s autism and is more effective than CBT.
The principle of a child’s autism spectrum disorder treatment is the use of the patient’s own stem cells to restore the correct cellular structure of his or her brain. Before this method was introduced, no other therapeutic approach had such a direct impact. Today, stem cell transplantation is carried out in the best clinics around the world. The overwhelming majority of cases are successful to an unprecedented degree.
Fill out the online application for a child’s autism treatment and use the opportunity to make the most impact on the disorder!
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment
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