Hippotherapy as a method of treating autism
Therapeutic communication with horses for autistic children is a method of correcting various dysfunctional conditions and mental disorders through communication with horses, which can trigger restorative forces in a patient’s body. Hippotherapy includes not only horseback riding but also communication with these animals and caring for them.
Treatment of autism with hippotherapy is one of the alternative methods for children with autism spectrum disorder. This is not an independent method of treatment — only an additional one, as it must be used in conjunction with other therapeutic, developmental, and rehabilitation measures.
It is worth remembering that hippotherapy should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor or after consultation.
The importance of hippotherapy for autism
Many children perceive communication with horses quite optimistically — they are interesting and cause inexplicable admiration. Therefore, the correction takes place in a light and relaxed atmosphere. For such children, horses can become that “safe bridge” that will help them learn how to communicate and interact with the outside world.
The psychological and pedagogical basis of hippotherapy for ASD
Autistic people find it much easier to communicate with animals than with people. This helps them enter into emotional contact more easily and helps them learn to understand the character and mood of a living being. By learning how to take care of the animals, children improve their own self-care skills. From a physical point of view, hippotherapy also greatly contributes to the development of endurance and muscle strength.
Advantages of hippotherapy for autistic children:
- Development of muscles and the skeleton, and alignment and strengthening of the posture
- Cardio training
- Teaching empathy
- Formation of concepts about the capabilities and functions of one’s body
- Normalisation of the psycho-emotional state
The physical impact of interacting with horses is multifaceted. This is not just muscle training, but a complex interaction with a strong animal that is capable of relaxing its rider with a calm and steady gait. Even if a child does not engage in horseback riding on their own but simply rides a horse led by a groom, they will feel the benefit of positive emotions and be energized for a long time.
Hippotherapy treatment, rehabilitation, and results
This technique is good for the rehabilitation of children after undergoing various types of developmental therapy. Usually, children get tired of undergoing therapy, but with horses, on the contrary, they relax. The results are individual, since the nature of the influence of communication with horses on the mental and emotional state of patients is not always easy to explain from a medical point of view. However, it is worth remembering that to obtain a significant treatment result, more reliable methods are needed.
The Mardaleishvili Medical Centre does not use alternative methods of treatment; here, children can undergo a cell transplantation procedure that really works.
Correcting childhood autism with basic stem cells is something every patient should try!
The Mardaleishvili MC specialises in this form of treatment. Every year, thousands of children undergo effective treatment for autism spectrum disorder with basic stem cells, which gives them the opportunity to develop on par with their peers in the future. This is a promising treatment method that is not only appreciated by parents but also recommended by specialists.
Bring the moment of recovery as close as possible — undergo stem cell treatment for childhood autism!
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