P.L.A.Y. Project – an American program for children with autism
Autism play therapy is the most popular technique for working with children, including those with autism. It is easy, simple, and fun, so it is in demand. Methods of play therapy for autism are very diverse. Among them, a special place is occupied by the P.L.A.Y. Project (Play and Language for Autistic Youngsters), an unusual program that differs from other methods in this area, e.g., floortime for autism.
The program is based on training parents and teachers to interact with an autistic child so that, in a playful way, they can not only acquire vital skills and knowledge but also actively learn to communicate with the world and people around them. It is practiced mainly in America, the UK, and Australia.
Main features of P.L.A.Y.:
- The technique is most effective for patients aged 1.5–5 years, but it can also be used at the beginning of school age.
- The P.L.A.Y. Autism program is designed for intensive use for at least 25 hours.
- Exercises, methods, and activities are selected on an individual basis.
- In addition to socialization, emphasis is placed on the development of speech and communication skills.
- The program is most beneficial if the strategy is followed at home and in the preschool.
Efficiency of the P.L.A.Y. Project
Many parents say a lot of good things about this method. It also has many admirers among experienced clinicians and educators. Thanks to its individual approach and focus on deep socialization, parents and therapists working with autistic children are able to achieve good results. However, it should be noted that the goal of the P.L.A.Y. Project is to educate and correct some of the disorder’s symptoms.
This method is of little value in therapy, as it neither eliminates the causes of the pathology nor has a significant psychological impact on the brain. After implementing this program, the child becomes more socially active. However, in order to remove the root cause of the disease that makes the child severely impaired, a more thorough approach is needed.
Biological correction of autism at the Mardaleishvili Medical Centre is a real opportunity to stop pathogenesis, solve the cause of pathology at the cellular level, and eliminate most symptoms.
Stem cell correction for a child’s autism is the procedure of the future for treating incurable diseases.
It has already shown very encouraging results not only in autism but also in oncology, severe mental disorders, cardiological diseases, etc. The essence of cellular treatment for children with autism is the transplantation of the patient’s own stem cells into the patient’s spinal canal in order to restore the anatomically correct brain structure.
Prerogatives of the stem cell transplantation procedure:
- Safety, lack of pain, and absence of side effects
- Powerful recreational effects not only for the brain but also for the entire body
- Physiological accessibility
- Material reasonability
Many patients are stopped by the procedure’s cost. However, the total amount is much less than the average annual cost of treatment for a family. Moreover, you only need to see your doctor occasionally after the transplantation and do simple developmental exercises at home.
Make your child’s autism spectrum disorder treatment with cell therapy the correct decision for you!
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
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