Biofeedback Therapy for Autism
The methodological combination of biofeedback and ASD is popular in modern medicine. It is one of the best treatments for neurological and mental disorders, including autism.
During the therapeutic session, various devices are used. They help a patient’s brain “process” various information coming from different parts of the body and “return” it in a form convenient for a child to perceive — on the screen of devices as visual or auditory images.
The core of interactive treatment with biofeedback therapy for autism
The central nervous system of a healthy person is designed to regulate the coordination of the body in space using vestibular, visual, and proprioceptive data. Disturbances in the chain of transmission and reception of such information lead to problems in the control of emotional and coordination regulation. A computer device, a stabilograph with biological feedback, helps an autistic person learn how to perceive and correctly interpret signals from their own body.
This balance simulator in biofeedback therapy for autistic children also helps in the development of various special skills to coordinate balancing movements. Thanks to this, it is possible to:
- Restore the functionality of a patient’s limbs
- Control body movements
- Control balance
- Improve the precision of every body movement
- Select the optimal amplitude and time period for each movement
- Stabilise movements
- Strengthen muscles and the skeleton
Duration of biofeedback therapy for children with autism: advantages and drawbacks
This method is carried out in sessions lasting up to half an hour. As a rule, a patient participates in no more than 20 sessions. The advantages include a small list of contraindications. The drawbacks lie in its relatively low effectiveness in comparison with other modern methods of treating ASD.
Potential opportunities for biofeedback therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder
The development of a trusting relationship between an autistic person and a “stranger,” a therapist, is among the other positive effects. As part of such cooperation, it will be easier for the autist to establish subsequent connections with people. The patient’s confidence also grows in proportion to their understanding of the needs of the body, their interest develops, and new neural connections form in the brain. Later, biofeedback therapy will have a positive effect on the treatment of tactile phobias and emotional instability.
The Georgian Mardaleishvili Medical Centre is a leading European medical institution where autism therapy is not just a promise but a real help for autists.
The centre uses innovative cell therapy, which has no analogues among other methods, to correct childhood autism. It is based on the injection of a patient’s own stem cells.
Advantages of autologous stem cell transplantation for the treatment of childhood autism spectrum disorder:
- Complete safety: the patient’s own biomaterial does not cause a negative immune reaction, and all surgical procedures are performed under high-precision CT control
- High probability of achieving maximum expectations from therapy because stem cells are able to completely restore damaged brain cells
- General healing effect with a positive impact on all symptoms of the pathology
- Persistent therapeutic effect with the possibility of lifelong maintenance
Undergo cellular treatment for childhood autism — create favourable conditions for self-control and elimination of other symptoms of ASD.
Autism Treatment Center Videos
Autism treatment with own stem cells
Cord blood association congress
International Quality Crown
Autism Treatment Reviews
Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment
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