9 unconventional methods of autism treatment
Clinical practice has a list of certain methods that have undergone experimental testing and are classic protocols for the correction of childhood autism today. However, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result with their help. There are many unusual ways to influence ASD in non-traditional medicine. Let’s look at the most interesting of them.
Alternative methods of treatment for childhood autism with controversial or proven effectiveness
Aversion therapy
This method is based on the use of an electric shock to modify behaviour. The method is pretty cruel and is perceived as a “last resort” for the patient’s socialisation.
It is believed that autism can develop due to the negative effects of heavy metals on the body, in particular mercury, which is found in increased quantities in autists. According to some observations, the symptoms of ASD can be overcome after its removal.
Autism is also treated in non-traditional medicine by reversing the dislocation of a specific vertebra or by applying pressure to it with a special wooden hammer. The practice is used in some countries and has no significant scientific basis.
Craniosacral therapy
Theoretically, a slight shift of the skull’s joints can have a beneficial stimulating effect on certain areas of the brain through the special rhythmic actions of the chiropractor’s fingers to improve intracranial metabolism.
This is the most interesting, non-traditional method of treating autism. Scientists have not yet invented a device that can improve cognitive abilities. But today, they are working on creating neurocognitive prostheses that can modulate neural abilities, like neuromotor prostheses. It will also restore speech functions.
Dietary supplements
Dietary supplements are often used by parents to combat certain symptoms. There is no reliable evidence that they really help.
Manual therapy sessions are often included in therapeutic protocols as an auxiliary treatment method in order to improve the functions of the musculoskeletal system and overcome a patient’s phobia of touch.
Hypnotherapy is prescribed for psychocorrection, mainly for the correction of late autism. The method is useful because it is compatible with various types of therapy and enhances their effect in many cases. It also allows for close contact with the patient and working with their subconscious.
Treatment of childhood autism spectrum disorder with stem cells
Among all the alternative methods for treating childhood autism listed above, this one is the most promising and scientifically proven. It involves the use of stem cells that are capable of “treating” the pathology itself, not just its symptoms. You can find more information on the website of the clinic in Georgia.
Get a free consultation and undergo cell therapy at the Mardaleishvili Medical Centre on the best terms for you.
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Choose the innovative cellular treatment for childhood autism — don’t waste time on dubious methods!
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