Mild Autism
Many people think that children with autism have lost the chance to lead normal, socially active lives. But this is not true, because mild childhood autism can be easily corrected, especially with use of modern techniques.
Autism in its mild form is diagnosed when the child has vague symptoms and is very similar to their peers in behaviour and development, but with some deviations. This stage of autism includes three types of conditions, which we will describe next to understand when a child has a mild form of autism.
High-functioning autism in mild form
- Pronounced tactile-sensory dysfunctions (fear of bright light, hypersensitivity to smell/taste);
- Incomprehension of others’ speech; children perceive certain instructions easier in written form
- Failure to understand nonverbal cues. For example, inability distinguish usual politeness and sympathy; difficulty expressing thoughts and feelings appropriately;
- Sensitivity to various changes in routine: It may be difficult for children to adapt to a new schedule and quickly adjust to a changed situation.
Doctors perceive high-functioning forms of ASD as a collective type that combines the following two forms of mild autism development:.
Asperger syndrome
This form of mild autism has the following types of symptoms:
- Ability to communicate with others using intellect but not emotions;
- Poor nonverbal methods of communication: facial inconsistency with meanings of words, absence of constant visual contact, gestures;
- Problems in forming peer relationships;
- No desire to share reactions to any successes or failures;
- Stereotyped, repetitive behaviour, need for regular schedule and order;
- Light stereotypic movements;
- Total interest in own hobbies.
Atypical autism in mild form
- Late manifestation of the disease;
- Absence of many symptoms normally characteristic for ASD.
Children with atypical forms of autism behave differently: some prefer solitude, while others wish for active communication. All forms have speech dysfunctions such as poor vocabulary and difficulty in expressing of thoughts and feelings, so such children seem unemotional.
The best therapeutic method for mild forms of autism
Traditionally, treatment of childhood ASD is performed using psychological correction, developing education, and physiotherapeutic procedures. As a rule, these methods allow a child to cope with the symptoms of the disease to some extent. This only addresses the symptoms of childhood autism, however; it does not eliminate the cause of the disease.
Doctors from the world-famous Mardaleishvili Medical Centre in Georgia have used stem cell therapy for many years to treat childhood autism spectrum disorder. This technique has been shown to be best suited to patients with mild stages of autism. It eliminates the cause of the disease with its symptoms and enhances the effect of classical therapeutic methods. A noteworthy fact is that cell therapy is well tolerated by all patients.
Find out more information about the treatment of autism in children — get a free consultation on the clinic’s website!
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
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