How Common Is Autism?
Autism is a very common disease worldwide. According to statistics, one in every 160 newborns worldwide is diagnosed with this disease. More concerning statistics have been observed in the United States, where one in every 44 babies is born with ASD. However, 100-200 years ago these figures were much lower. So what is the reason for the rapid increase in autism, and why is it developing at all?
The most frequently asked questions regarding ASD are:
- What is autism, and how does it appear?
Factors contributing to the active development of ASD are most often associated with genetic mutations that have a negative impact on the formation of synaptic connections in the brain. However, scientists are not entirely sure why the disease occurs, whether due to mutations, heredity, or other reasons.
- What causes autism?
There may be many causes, but usually there is some combination of:
- Unfavourable environmental conditions;
- Improper diet;
- Hormonal dysfunction;
- Taking certain medications;
- Bad habits
- Constant stress or severe emotional trauma;
- Hereditary factors;
- Deficiency of iron and other important microelements responsible for brain development;
- Metabolism disorders;
- Weakened immune system;
- Viral infections or other destructive causes.
- What leads to autism?
Risk factors contributing to the development of ASD include the sex of the embryo, as autism is frequent in boys. The presence of segmented filamentous bacteria in the body of a pregnant woman can often be the decisive factor.
Complications during intrauterine development, severe toxicosis, hypoxia and even some types of diabetes also are common causes of autism. Inhalation of fumes from chlorpyrifos-based insecticides used as garden insect control can also lead to autism.
- Why are children born with autism?
According to Danish scientists who researched the causes of ASD, this disease more likely develops if parents are over the age of 35, because reproductive cells accumulate genetic mutations that occur throughout life. Scientists from different countries also found links between ASD and many genes that all people have.
- What are the chances to have a child with autism?
Considering the previous reasons, all parents have a risk of having an autistic child, even if they lead a healthy lifestyle, adhere to a nutritious diet and do not have severe mental disorders in their family. Unfortunately, each year the number of children born with autism has steadily increased.
- Are there methods to treat ASD that actually help?
Methods of behavioural, psychological and intellectual correction are traditionally used to treat childhood autism spectrum disorder. Although they help maintain a patient’s health, they do not cure the disease.
The only effective correction of childhood autism is a stem cell transplantation procedure that helps to eliminate the cause of the disease — genetic mutations of the brain.
This treatment is practiced with excellent results at the Mardaleishvili Medical Centre in Georgia. Its therapeutic services are available to many families, and thousands of patients from arouind the world are already convinced of it.
Remove the cause of the disease by cellular treatment for childhood autism — eliminate many factors and signs of the disease!
Autism Treatment Center Videos
Autism treatment with own stem cells
Cord blood association congress
International Quality Crown
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment
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