The Difference Between Autism and ASD
ASD, or autism spectrum disorder, is a broad concept covering a set of several disorders, including both autism and its many forms. These are disorders of social communication and interaction. Due to the similarity of symptoms, autism is often considered synonymous with ASD, but it is not entirely correct.
The concept of ASD includes the following pathologies, conditions, and disorders:
- Autism (with all of its forms)
- Asperger syndrome
- Inorganic disorder
- Disintegrative disorder, etc.
Autism is considered the most common type of ASD, so the two diagnoses are often confused; however, they have slightly different symptoms.
Main symptoms of ASD
- Repetitive movements, poorly developed speech, limited interests.
- Communication difficulties: difficulties communicating, misunderstanding non-verbal signals, inability to make eye contact, absence of emotions.
- Limited gaming skills and a reluctance to interact with peers.
- Problems with adaptation to a new environment if changes occur.
- Increased sensitivity to smells, sounds, and tactile contact.
- Abnormal response to pain: either decreased or increased.
- Adherence to certain hobbies.
These manifestations of ASD can vary in intensity and are often accompanied by other problems such as sleep and appetite disorders, mental retardation, and problems with cognitive skills and learning.
Main symptoms of autism
- Lack of activity in social interaction. Autistic children do not show interest in their peers, avoid contact with them, do not respond to their name, and have problems with recognizing emotions.
- Lack of communication with the outside world. Patients with autism are not interested in what is happening around them — they are closed off in their own world. They do not understand other people, and their communication skills are quite poor.
- Limited behaviour and interests. Patients with autism are characterised by stereotypical actions and movements; their sphere of interests is narrow; and they are focused on one or more hobbies.
- Empathic imperfection. They do not understand the emotions of the people around them and do not know how to express their own ones. They may have unusual emotional reactions to events.
- Sensory disorders manifest themselves in excessive reactions to various irritating factors.
It is worth remembering that all autists have different symptoms. This list is only approximate and is provided for a general understanding of the difference in diagnoses.
An innovative approach to the treatment of childhood autism spectrum disorder and autism
Evidence-based medicine uses different ways to combat these diagnoses. Their selection is individual and depends on the symptoms that are present in the patient. But this approach can be called off-target because the development of both ASD and autism is caused by genetic abnormalities of the brain.
Cellular treatment of childhood autism is actively used in the best clinics around the world, including the Mardaleishvili Medical Centre, and is characterised by a more correct and effective therapeutic approach.
Many patients note that the Georgian Mardaleishvili MC is the best medical institution for undergoing a highly effective stem cell transplant procedure. It is at least two times more effective than traditional methods.
Undergo cellular correction of childhood autism — your child has every chance to develop as well as healthy children!
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
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