All about developmental delays in autism spectrum disorder (rollback in autism)
- What is rollback in autism?
A rollback is a return to a previously passed point of development. It is a regression or loss of skills and abilities that were previously acquired. For example, a decline in speech, loss of self-control, deterioration of the psycho-emotional background, loss of basic self-care skills, etc.
- What is rollback exactly?
First of all, pay attention to the nature of the regression. A rollback that requires immediate examination by your doctor is a serious loss of full-fledged skills that a child successfully used for a long time.
For example, if a child used a potty or toilet for a long time, had a stable vocabulary, even if it consisted of several phrases, crawled and walked well, but suddenly stopped doing all of this for unknown reasons.
How does rollback occur in autism? You will notice a loss of these skills. Other oddities in behaviour may also appear, including uncontrolled urination, babbling instead of speech, or eating and sleep disorders.
Real regression is a loss of fully formed skills. It happens not when a baby repeats some words a couple of times or just started using a potty, but when the skills become familiar and well-practiced and then suddenly disappear.
- At what age do autists experience rollback?
The most accurate answer is at any age, except for when the rollback occurs because of genetic reasons. Their onset is provoked, in most cases, not by time but by certain events or conditions.
- Why do autistic children experience rollbacks?
This is provoked by many destructive factors, such as:
- Genetics: the manifestation of Rett syndrome, Martin-Bell syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, leukodystrophy, etc. Most syndromes have their own age range of development.
- Important life changes: moving to a new place of residence, entering school, adolescence, etc.
- Infectious diseases can exacerbate chronic pathologies
- Severe emotional shocks and prolonged stressful situations
- Inadequate nutrition due to individual intolerance or a refusal to eat
- Exacerbation of the disease
- Severe fatigue as a result of intensive developmental training
Effective ways to overcome regression
- Classic
Usually, when autistic people experience rollback, it is recommended to simply let go of the situation for some time, i.e., let the child rest, recuperate, cope with the stress, or change the environment if the previous one was negative. If the regression does not go away within 1-2 weeks, it is recommended to contact a specialist if you see clear reasons for it.
- Modern
Many doctors recommend undergoing a stem cell transplant procedure to effectively treat childhood autism spectrum disorder. It will prevent the occurrence of serious rollbacks and also ensure high success of other therapeutic measures. This correction of childhood autism has a positive effect on the state of the brain because it restores the correct structure and eliminates the cause of the pathology itself, its symptoms, and further rollbacks.
You can undergo such treatment at the Mardaleishvili Medical Centre in Georgia with conditions favourable to the patient. Contact the clinic’s consultants for a free online consultation.
Get modern stem cell treatment for childhood autism — prevent rollbacks and ensure stable development!
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