Mardaleishvili Medical Center Breakthrough Stem Cell transplantation for Autism Treatment
Reducing the symptoms of Autism drastically with a simple medical procedure
Using the most advanced equipment & modern facilities to ensure the health & happiness of the child & family

Autistic Inertia

People with ASD often have difficulty starting any action. They may decide to start something but take a long time to do so, and once they begin, they may struggle to stop. Autistic inertia, or inactivity, is a new concept that is not fully understood yet. It is closely related to the concept of frustration, which involves unjustified expectations, powerlessness, and disappointment. Logically, these are consequences of the inability to achieve goals and meet typical child development standards. Therefore, autistic children with these symptoms may be mistakenly blamed for laziness or unwillingness to do something.

Main Causes of Autistic Inertia in Children with ASD

Perfectionism is one likely cause of inertia. A child may become overly focused on solving a task in the best possible way, and this attitude can actually interfere with achieving the goal. Indecisiveness can also be aggravated by past failures and disapproval from adults.

It is important to remember that a child’s difficulty in managing and planning their actions is a key symptom of autism spectrum disorder. This condition is also characterized by an inability to easily switch from one activity to another.

Inertia can also be associated with anxiety disorders, social isolation of autistic children, and sensory sensitivities to their surroundings. It can be difficult to concentrate if a child is focused on touching, feeling, and understanding various things in their environment.

Typical Manifestations of Autistic Inertia and a Child’s Difficulties

  • Problems transitioning from one activity to another
  • Unwillingness to resume interrupted activities
  • Anxiety and indecisiveness during the planning process
  • Lack of understanding of the time spent on a particular task
  • A feeling that the brain and body are disconnected
  • Lack of motivation

These factors lead to stress, chronic fatigue, irritation, and frustration. A child may experience apathy, challenges with self-care, difficulties establishing interpersonal relationships, and issues with self-realization and career development.

How to Live with Autistic Inertia and Treat This Condition Simultaneously
Tips for Organizing Everyday Life

  • Plan your child’s schedule
  • Use a visual timetable with clear pictures
  • Allow a specific amount of time to complete each task
  • Break large tasks into smaller, step-by-step actions
  • Follow a consistent curriculum and daily schedule
  • Use visual timers
  • Set realistic, achievable goals
  • Praise, motivate, and encourage constantly!

Treatment of Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorder with Symptoms of Inertia

The Mardaleishvili Medical Centre is one of the few clinics in the world offering modern ASD treatment with stem cells instead of traditional conservative therapy. Parents of children undergoing developmental treatment for many years have found that this method is challenging when it comes to making changes in the disease’s pathogenesis. A more radical approach is needed to eliminate the cause of the pathology.
Stem cell therapy for childhood autism, which renews and improves the structure of the child’s brain, is the closest method to achieving this goal. After stem cell transplantation, patients begin to perform activities that were previously difficult for them much better. Improvements are also seen in the intellectual, communication, and motor areas of the body.

Enhance traditional treatment for childhood autism with cell therapy — you will be amazed at how active, capable, and developed your child can become!

Autism Treatment Center Videos

Autism treatment with own stem cells

Cord blood association congress

International Quality Crown

Autism Treatment Reviews

Autism treatment with own stem cells

The story of Alessandro (6 years old)

Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment

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