Mardaleishvili Medical Center Breakthrough Stem Cell transplantation for Autism Treatment
Reducing the symptoms of Autism drastically with a simple medical procedure
Using the most advanced equipment & modern facilities to ensure the health & happiness of the child & family

Features of Communication with Autistic People


In order for a conversation to be constructive, it is always important to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and look at the situation from their perspective. This approach is especially important when communicating with an autistic person — someone who perceives the world differently, structures their speech in a unique way, and interprets what others say differently. Therefore, it is necessary to “tune in” to their wavelength and ensure nothing interferes with their understanding of what is being conveyed to them.

  • Clarity in expressions. Perhaps the main rule is to maintain directness and clarity in phrasing. It is important to avoid ambiguity, idioms, metaphors, sarcasm, and other rhetorical flourishes. For example, the phrase “They’re putting a wrench in my plans” should be simplified and replaced with “They’re hindering me.” In general, sentences should be short and clear.
  • Keep your hands to yourself. Another feature of conversing with an autistic person is that they are likely intolerant of physical touch and intrusion into their personal space. One should respect the boundaries that each person sets around themselves. Therefore, actions like patting on the shoulder, grabbing hands, and other actions that may be perceived as overly familiar are unacceptable. Additionally, it is important to remember that autistic individuals often have a strong need for solitude or silence and may not engage at all.
  • It’s not just about words. A specific aspect of communication with an autistic person is that the conversational partner will need to be quite observant. One common stereotype is that these individuals are emotionally indifferent, but in reality, they have a unique way of expressing their feelings — non-verbal signals. The absence of eye contact does not necessarily mean the autistic person is not listening to what is being said. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to their gestures, facial expressions, or intonations to better understand their reaction.
  • Don’t rush. One rule of communication when talking to an autistic person is to be patient. It is possible that such a conversational partner may need more time to think or respond. They should not be rushed or interrupted — doing so could cause them to completely shut down. However, constructive contact can be expected if the autistic person initiates the conversation, as this indicates their willingness to discuss something.
  • Consider the interests of others. The range of interests for people with autism may be limited, but many have hobbies about which they can speak actively, eloquently, and for a long time, even if they respond briefly or remain silent when the topic changes. Basic politeness requires respecting the interests of others, but if the conversation turns into a monologue and remains focused on a single topic, it is important to gently redirect the discussion to another subject.

For autistic individuals, just like for everyone, it is important to be treated with respect, sincerity, and attention during communication. Conversations with autistic people have their own nuances and contribute to the development of the personality — both theirs and the conversational partner’s. There are many techniques available that can help develop communication skills in autism. However, the best results can only be achieved by addressing the root cause of the disorder, which is possible with stem cell therapy.

During stem cell implantation, the patient’s own stem cells replace damaged ones, and the brain begins to function as it was naturally intended. This method is safe and effective, which is why it is used in leading clinics worldwide, including at the Mardaleishvili Medical Center.

Give an autistic person the joy of communication — undergo a course of stem cell therapy!

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