Mardaleishvili Medical Center Breakthrough Stem Cell transplantation for Autism Treatment
Reducing the symptoms of Autism drastically with a simple medical procedure
Using the most advanced equipment & modern facilities to ensure the health & happiness of the child & family

Information About Autism: Should You Trust the Internet?


Many parents, even when they notice unusual behavior in their child, do not seek medical help or take any action, believing that what is happening is just a minor developmental deviation that can be “outgrown.” Therefore, they are often shocked when doctors diagnose “autism,” confirming the presence of a lifelong condition that is not yet fully curable and affects not only behavior and reactions to the environment but all other aspects of daily life.

Common and Alarming Symptoms of Autism

Some of the most characteristic and alarming symptoms of autism development are the inability to maintain eye contact, uncertain or overly nervous behavior in unfamiliar settings, and difficulties adjusting to even the smallest unplanned changes in routine. Often, such problems lead to nervous breakdowns. Equally notable are the inability to adequately perceive non-verbal signals, difficulty reading or speaking, excessive sensitivity of the sensory system, and a high level of anxiety.

The Search for Information and Conflicting Data

Medical professionals often believe that partial successes achieved through auxiliary therapy methods help overcome the problems, but this is not always the case. Parents, who are not satisfied with the reassuring statements of specialists, usually begin searching for information about autism on the Internet, reading specialized literature, and consulting other doctors or public organizations and support groups. However, they often encounter highly contradictory information.

Choosing Effective Treatments

To avoid getting confused by the information, it is important to first consider that new drugs and treatment methods are constantly emerging, and one must choose those that most effectively affect the specific child. For example, stimulants can periodically cause issues with eating and sleep, nausea, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, migraines, and stomach pain. Some medications may not yield any results at all. Therefore, before starting drug therapy, it is essential to understand the effects of a particular medication, potential side effects, weigh possible risks and expected benefits, and closely monitor changes in the behavior of autistic individuals.

Caution When Relying on the Internet

It is unwise to rely solely on the internet, as it publishes not only valuable data obtained through scientific research but also alarming “scare stories” about the dangers of autism or advertisements for alternative treatments and diets, some of which are outright quackery or simply useless. For instance, claims that vaccines cause autism or that it can be cured by detoxifying the body are not credible.

The Importance of Common Sense and Evidence-Based Treatments

Parents of special-needs children should rely only on common sense, which suggests that the choice of treatment should depend on its proven effectiveness. The most effective method today is a safe and reliable cell therapy. Stem cell transplantation leads to the transformation of cells into healthy analogs of damaged brain cells, replacing them. This results in improved overall condition, reduced severity of symptoms, normalized behavior, cessation of nervous breakdowns, and makes other therapeutic methods more effective.

Cell Therapy for Autism Treatment

Cell therapy, which has become a widely accepted method of treating autism, can be received at leading clinics around the world, including the Mardaleishvili Medical Center. The center employs highly qualified doctors with extensive and successful experience in treating such disorders, has modern equipment, and offers services at a lower cost compared to other countries. Additionally, once the application is filled out, the center’s staff will assist with trip planning, accommodation, and resolving other issues.

Trust Verified Data – Choose Cell Therapy!


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Autism treatment with own stem cells

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Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment

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