My autistic son is out of control
Autism spectrum disorder has many negative symptoms that not only arrest normal development of a child but also often become a serious problem in family relationships. Thus, an uncontrollable autistic child is not emotionally connected with his relatives, he does not feel the need for them, and because to misunderstanding of their behaviour, his conduct may be socially unacceptable.
Moreover, abnormalities in the behaviour of an uncontrollable child with ASD are conditioned not only by difference in world perception but also by the peculiarities of his state of mind. He often cannot physically control his brain, reactions to events around him, and involuntary movements of his body. All these dysfunctions require professional help. It is impossible to cope with them by yourself, but medical practitioners can offer recommendations of how to behave with your child at home and improve the outcomes of traditional therapy.
How can hyperactivity manifest itself in a case of autism?
It reveals in various activities that are uncharacteristic in the behaviour of a normally developing person, such as:
- Walking in circles around the room
- Sudden outbursts of uncontrolled, aimless activity
- Aggressive, obsessive behaviour
- Fumbling with objects in the hands
- Bouts of unjustified laughter
- Staying “in himself” for long periods, with complete disregard for everything that is happening around him
- Whimpering and crying at the slightest reasons and being irritable
- Refusal to honour the simplest request, etc.
How do you calm an autistic person with the help of classical medicine methods?
Since the manifestations of ASD listed above cannot always be eliminated through pedagogical methods, with the help of conversation, persuasions and explanations, physical forms of influence on the body and brain activity become necessary. In most cases, they will be a solution of the problem and force an autistic child to obey and facilitate behavioural correction of autism on a psychological level.
- Drug treatment with nootropics
- Procedures for relaxation and normalization of the central nervous system functions — yoga, physiotherapy, acupuncture, ozokerite therapy, etc.
- Treatment of the child’s autism spectrum disorder with stem cells
This is an advanced approach in the treatment of autism, which now is the most popular classical methods. Such treatment of children’s autism has an important impact on the disease, as it not only minimizes symptoms but also solves the problem of the illness progressing. Autistic people have abnormal differences in the structure of their brains, which cause autism.
The patient’s own cells have a powerful regenerative potential, and by traveling via the bloodstream to the brain, they displace abnormal cells, replacing them with healthy ones. Such an effect is not typical for other methods, and that’s why cell therapy is considered to be truly “healing.” It is noteworthy that many methods of correction used after it will have a more pronounced and lasting effect, so an autistic child has every chance of developing as well as healthy children and becoming a full-fledged member of society.
Mardaleishvili Medical Centre is one of the best clinics for stem cell transplantation. It is chosen by Europeans who have compared the offers of other medical institutions. In Georgia, the cost of treatment with a same quality of service is much more affordable. In addition, there are amazing opportunities for augmenting the therapeutic effect and restoring health.
Sign up for the correction of childhood autism with stem cells and defeat the aggression, inadequacy, and uncontrollability of your child’s behavior!
Autism Treatment Center Videos
Autism treatment with own stem cells
Cord blood association congress
International Quality Crown
Autism Treatment Reviews
Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment
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Feedback from Abibe, Selim’s mother (7 years old) Read More