Mental retardation and its treatment with autologous stem cells


Peculiarities of mental retardation and its causes

Mental retardation is delayed mental development. The pathology manifests itself in a disorder of certain functions: attention, emotions, memory, and thinking. Children with mental retardation are behind other children in their development, compared to the psychological norms of their development relative to a certain age. Causes of the pathology can be congenital or acquired. In either of these cases, a deep and comprehensive impact on the brain is required.

Treatment of mental retardation with stem cells

A child with mental retardation has less understanding than others and begins to speak and write later than his peers. There is an educational ceiling in his brain which he will not be able to overcome on his own without special treatment. Administered stem cells help to renew the cellular composition of the brain, and conservative treatment helps to create the necessary neural connections.

Stem cell therapy is constantly gaining popularity, proving to be an effective treatment for a variety of diseases, including mental retardation. It is unique and easily administered, since stem cells from the patient’s own bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, or the umbilical blood of siblings can be used in the diagnosis of mental retardation.

After the cell therapy, children begin to:

– Speak coherently;

– Construct simple and complex sentences;

– Draw and mold;

– Play object-based games;

– Respond properly to others.

As a result of the positive impact of stem cells, the child’s social skills improve, attention and concentration increases, the process of perception and assimilation of new information is accelerated, and the child reaches the first steady successes in learning.
