Mardaleishvili Medical Center Breakthrough Stem Cell transplantation for Autism Treatment
Reducing the symptoms of Autism drastically with a simple medical procedure
Using the most advanced equipment & modern facilities to ensure the health & happiness of the child & family

How to Come to Terms with Your Child’s Autism?


Receiving a diagnosis of autism for a child is a challenging ordeal for parents. Initial emotions range from fear and denial to acceptance and relief, followed by the search for information about the condition and ongoing work with the child.

Family Emotions When a Child is Diagnosed with ASD or Autism:

  • Fear and Anxiety: Families often worry about the incurability of the condition and the uncertainty of the future.
  • Denial: Parents may initially struggle to accept the diagnosis.
  • Relief: Some families feel relieved when they finally find an explanation for the child’s unusual behavior.

These reactions are often tied to a lack of understanding about the diagnosis and reliance on preconceived notions.

Challenges Faced by Parents of an Autistic Child:

  • Lack of information on how to help the child;
  • Underestimating the child’s potential for socialization and learning basic skills;
  • Limited knowledge of methods for correction and support for individuals with autism.

The most effective support for parents is the visible progress and development of their child through appropriate rehabilitation.

Stem Cell Transplantation as a Method for Autism Correction

One of the most modern methods for addressing autism is stem cell transplantation for children diagnosed with ASD. The procedure involves a minimally invasive operation conducted in two stages:

  1. Stem Cell Extraction: Spinal fluid is collected, and stem cells are isolated in laboratory conditions.
  2. Stem Cell Injection: The extracted cells are injected into the spinal cord through a simple mini-injection.

Sources of Stem Cells

Stem cells can be collected from the child’s placenta (if preserved in a cryobank since birth) or from a donor, such as a sibling.

Results of the Procedure

After the procedure, noticeable changes occur in the child’s behavior. Autistic traits become less pronounced, the child adapts more easily, and there are improvements in speech and emotional stability.

The Mardaleishvili Multidisciplinary Medical Center in Georgia has over ten years of experience in stem cell therapy.

Learn more about the procedure and consult with clinic specialists about treatment options for your child.

Autism Treatment Center Videos

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Cord blood association congress

International Quality Crown

Autism Treatment Reviews

Autism treatment with own stem cells

The story of Alessandro (6 years old)

Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment

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