Autistic Burnout
The term “autistic burnout” refers to an extreme degree of physical and mental exhaustion. At the same time, the psycho-emotional state of the person becomes unstable, often accompanied by the loss of previously acquired skills. Many individuals with autism spectrum disorder report that this condition results from a combination of various difficulties they face in certain situations. It is noteworthy that autistic individuals with different speech and cognitive abilities can experience burnout.
Autistic Burnout from a Physical Perspective
Like the various manifestations of ASD, autistic burnout presents in an individualized manner. Most autistic individuals agree that it feels like extreme exhaustion. In this state, there is a lack of strength or desire to do anything, managing emotions becomes very difficult, and basic skills may be temporarily lost. The results of burnout can include apathy, depression, severe sadness, anxiety, and even anger. There have been known cases of suicide as a result of burnout.
Autistic burnout intensifies the following symptoms:
- Difficulties adapting to new environments
- Intolerance to changes in routine
- Increased sensitivity in sensory systems
- Repetitive, stereotypical behaviors
Causes of Burnout in ASD
This condition is often caused by the strategy of masking, in which an autistic individual hides their condition by mimicking acceptable behaviors. This requires enormous physical and emotional effort, and a child may not always be able to withstand such stress. Burnout can also result from sensory overload, such as traveling on public transport or simultaneously performing several complex tasks.
Process of Recovery and Preventing Future Burnouts
Recovery from burnout is individual for each child. For some, it is enough to remove them from an undesirable environment or eliminate irritating factors. For others, however, recovery can take much longer, with the child remaining in severe depression and enduring the consequences of such exhaustion for years.
To prevent autistic burnout, its symptoms should be recognized in a child’s behavior, and the factors that cause burnout should be addressed in a timely manner. This can be achieved by carefully observing a child’s behavior in various life situations.
Preventing and Treating Autistic Burnout: Effective Approaches
Burnout is an extreme manifestation of ASD, and preventing this state of exhaustion is far easier than treating it. Therefore, from an early age, parents should focus on effective therapy for the condition.
The Mardaleishvili Medical Centre offers a modern stem cell transplantation procedure, which is sought after by those looking for real, effective treatment for childhood autism.
The method involves extracting stem cells from bone marrow or umbilical cord blood, which are then introduced in larger volumes into the spinal canal. These cells travel to the brain and help restore areas damaged by the condition. As a result, both the disease and its accompanying symptoms, including autistic burnout, can be alleviated.
Get in line for childhood autism correction with stem cells — ensure the development and stable emotional state of your child!
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
Cord blood association congress
International Quality Crown
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
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