What Happens to the Autistic Brain?
Previously, it was believed that changes in the autistic brain affected the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and limbic system. However, recent studies show that other areas may also be involved in the pathological process.
What Goes On in the Brain of a Child with Autism?
Autistic patients of different ages experience:
● Increased hippocampal density
● Reduced cellular size compared to the brains of typically developing individuals
● Structural abnormalities in the entorhinal cortex, limbic system, and amygdala.
In young patients, the following is observed:
● Abnormal neural enlargement in the cerebellar nuclei, in the vertical termination of the diagonal fasciculus of Broca, and in the inferior olive
● Increased volume of neurons in the prefrontal zone of the cortex
● Reduced number of Purkinje cells in the neo- and archicerebellar hemispheres of the cerebellum.
How Autism Affects the Brain — New Scientific Data
Several important studies were conducted in the last decade. Scientists at the University of California have found that neural, visual, and functional areas of the brain are associated with autism. The list of these areas is wider than previously established: cerebellum — cortex — limbic system. Abnormal biochemical processes occur not only in the temporal and frontal zones, but also affect many areas of the brain.
Additionally, changes in the brain caused by autism relate to the signature genetic expression of reactive astrocytes and inhibited transport of substances across the blood-brain barrier and membrane in the cerebral cortex.
The most visible changes in the structure of the autistic brain occur in BA17, the primary visual cortex. Changes in the sensory areas of the brain also depend on them. This is why autistic children have difficulty processing sensory information.
In 2023, a team of scientists from the Center for Language and Brain at the Higher School of Economics additionally confirmed changes in the body caused by autism. A decrease in the fractional anisotropy and axial diffusivity indices was noted. This leads to the conclusion that the autistic brain is unusually complex and requires further study. Doctors are not able to eliminate pathological changes yet. However, this cannot be said about the restorative capabilities inherent in the patient’s body itself.
The Best Treatment for Childhood Autism, Which Actually Corrects Abnormalities in the Brain’s Structure
The best treatment is the stem cell transplant procedure. Leading clinics around the world have been using it for the correction of childhood autism for a couple of decades. Numerous comments from patients confirm the high therapeutic effectiveness and positive influence on the brain.
Cellular treatment of childhood autism spectrum disorder is administered using the patient’s biological material. This means there will be no rejection or side effects. Once reaching the brain, stem cells identify damaged areas and infiltrate them. Over several days, they selectively remove cells with “errors” and replace them with naturally correct ones, turning into full-fledged neurons.
Such exposure results in the renovation of the brain structure. Pathological changes leading to ASD development become less pronounced, and symptoms of the disease disappear, giving the child an opportunity to develop normally and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Visit the Mardaleishvili Medical Centre — its doctors will help your child easily and effectively restore the brain and overcome autism!
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