Antiparasitic therapy for autism: Six important reasons to undergo treatment
Much is known about the relationship between gut microflora and brain activity. Pathogenic microorganisms and toxins interfere with the normal functioning of all vital organs and systems of the body. That’s why diet therapy, detox medications, and vitamin complexes are often prescribed in order to normalize intestinal microflora and reduce their negative impact on the behaviour of a child with autism spectrum disorder.
Helminthiasis is a common disorder among children with autism which weakens immunity and prevents resistance to various pathogenic factors, helminths in particular. Since the bodies of children with autism are weaker, antiparasitic therapy for autism is very important.
Six reasons to undergo anthelmintic therapy for autism:
- Weakened immune system of an autistic child is unable to identify proteins secreted by helminths and therefore does not produce antibodies. As a result of this, the body is powerless against parasitic organisms.
- Almost all patients have impaired metabolic and detoxification processes due to genetic mutations. For this reason and due to the lack of glutathione, the waste products of helminths are not completely eliminated, and poison intestinal microflora.
- Helminths contribute to the reproduction of candida fungus and other pathogenic elements.
- Helminths consume microelements and vitamins from food, causing constant vitamin deficiencies.
- They cause pain in the abdominal area, provoke inflammation, and damage the intestinal walls.
- Helminths cause allergic reactions, urticaria, Quincke’s oedema, dermatitis, and many other disorders.
Conducting anthelmintic therapy for autism
Autism is a special condition, and self-medication may be completely ineffective. Therefore, it is important to detect helminthiasis in the laboratory and take medications as prescribed by the doctor. The exact dosages are calculated depending on the child’s weight, the degree of infestation and the type of helminths found. This is the only way to eliminate them.
Resarch has demonstrated that these medications are significantly effective, especially in combination with other methods aimed at strengthening the immune system and cleansing the body. However, even treatment combined with antiparasitic therapy for autism has only a short-term effect in most cases.
If you want treatment that has a powerful effect on ASD, contact the Mardaleishvili Medical Centre and undergo a stem cell transplantation procedure.
Symptomatic treatment of childhood autism spectrum disorder is considered the “gold standard”, since this disease cannot currently be cured completely. But scientists around the world are constantly improving methods for treating autism, and the latest result of their work is cell therapy, which has been successfully used to treat ASD (although not eliminate it) for more than ten years. This correction of childhood autism has virtually no harmful effects and does not lead to complications. More detailed information can be found on the clinic website.
Successful treatment of autism in children is in your hands — sign up for a consultation and make sure that this procedure is effective for your child!
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