Aversion Therapy in ASD Treatment Protocols
Aversion therapy for autism is a rather controversial method in modern treatment protocols. However, it is sometimes used in specific cases. The method has many opponents due to its undeniable “cruelty.” Parents of children with autism should be aware of all the existing alternative methods for autism correction to determine whether or not a particular method is appropriate.
The Essence of the Method
Aversion therapy involves the use of electric current at a controlled therapeutic power. It is sometimes used in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. In extreme cases, it may also be applied to patients with ASD exhibiting uncontrolled negative behavior. Typically, this is seen in adult children with severe autism whose behavior poses a threat to their own life or to those around them.
Characteristics of the Impact
Aversion therapy for autistic children induces a shock-like response in cases of degenerative behavior. Many doctors agree that this behavioral correction method is difficult to call “therapy”; it is more like punishment, as the result of the electrical shock is fear. This feeling does not treat the condition or help address the underlying cause of unwanted behavior.
Shock therapy can be compared to animal training. Yes, it might be able to instill necessary skills and “discipline” a child. However, the result is likely to be a broken psyche and a worsened fear-driven pathogenesis of the disorder. Fully uncontrollable autistic individuals are practically nonexistent, so there is no strong reason to use this treatment method. Only a compassionate approach and the careful selection of treatment methods can help your child manage antisocial behavior.
How to Safely Choose Alternative Autism Treatments?
Advice from a transplant doctor at the Mardaleishvili Medical Center:
- Use common sense. If a method theoretically could cause physical or psychological harm, it should definitely be avoided.
- Check patient reviews. Often, only positive reviews are posted on the website of organizations offering a particular treatment technique. Pay attention to other sources and aim for a balanced perspective.
- Find out if scientific or clinical trials have been conducted on the treatment technique. Only trust methods that are applied in top clinics.
The Best Innovative Alternative to Aversion Therapy for Autism – Stem Cell Transplantation
This technique has undergone numerous clinical trials, is performed in the best European clinics, and has many positive patient reviews. The basis of this treatment for autism spectrum disorder in children is the collection of stem cells from the patient’s body. The necessary biological material can be obtained from umbilical blood or bone marrow. The procedure has no significant contraindications or side effects. The result of stem cell treatment for autism in children is the restoration of the correct brain structure, which leads to the disappearance of many symptoms of the disorder. The achieved treatment effect far exceeds the results of non-traditional therapeutic methods. Moreover, the effects can be maintained for a long period.
Replace aversion therapy with cellular correction for childhood autism – make the best investment in your child’s health!
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