Bibliotherapy for Autism
Bibliotherapy is a classic method of correcting the manifestations of autism spectrum disorder through reading. It has been practised for several centuries and has well-deserved popularity with proven effectiveness.
The technique is one of many art therapy methods for autism; it can be combined with listening to fairy tales and educational stories, with depicting scence from a book on paper, recitation, sculpting characters, etc.
Bibliotherapy is prescribed to patients with autism, as well as many other mental disorders that are accompanied by such symptoms as the presence of anxious thoughts, low self-esteem, lack of personal experience, ideas about real life, depression, aggression, etc.
The essence and features of the method. The therapist tells or reads to patients a certain story with a hero with whom the patient can associate himself and experience all the hero’s feelings and understand his thoughts, where the patient can put himself in the hero’s place. This is necessary in order to resolve certain conflict situations and problems, to understand them, find the causes, and resolve them. In this way, the autistic patient can compensate for shortcomings in their behaviour. However, it is important that the written works used in this method should never be dramatic; on the contrary, they should be light and entertaining.
Objectives of treating autism with books:
- Formation of children’s motivation to read, stimulation of interest in books, and enhancement of cognitive skills.
- Development of empathy — the ability to perceive emotional images.
- Creation of a useful and fun atmosphere for communication between family members.
Bibliotherapy has great importance in improving speech. Listening to interesting stories is not the only feature. It is also very important that the patient learns to pronounce his own thoughts, construct sentences, structure logical thinking, and retell what he hears.
Qualitative indicators of bibliotherapy for ASD
Classes can be group or individual, with the latter showing greater effectiveness. Complex classes using other art therapy methods liberate patients, broaden their horizons, create a desire for live communication with the therapist and parents, and fill them with positive emotions. We emphasize that this method does not have a therapeutic effect on the autistic brain — its action is aimed at reducing the overall severity of symptoms.
The Mardaleishvili Medical Center in Georgia offers an innovative procedure for stem cell transplantation, the effectiveness of which is unmatched in modern therapy.
Stem correction for childhood autism is the most recommended procedure that is suitable for every child.
It has practically no contraindications and is well tolerated by children because their own biomaterial is used. The method has no analogues since stem cells not only eliminate the symptoms of the disease but also restore the correct cellular structure of the brain, thereby solving the cause of the development of pathogenesis.
Advantages of treating autism in children in Georgia:
- Effective stem cell correction program
- Qualified specialists
- Own cryobank
- Modern equipment
- Adequate prices
- Assistance with arrival at the clinic
A free consultation on the treatment of childhood autism spectrum disorder means confidence in the success of future therapy!
Autism Treatment Center Videos
Autism treatment with own stem cells
Cord blood association congress
International Quality Crown
Autism Treatment Reviews
Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment
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Feedback from Igor, David’s father (12 years old) Read More

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Feedback from Natalia, Radomir’s mother (15 years old) Read More

Feedback from Esther, Samuel’s mother (8 years old) Read More

Feedback from Abibe, Selim’s mother (7 years old) Read More