Drama Therapy for Autism
Drama therapy is an innovative area of art therapy for autism that is popular in developed countries. Today, it is steadily gaining popularity in the post-Soviet countries of Europe and has already received a lot of positive comments from patients and their parents. This method was formed at the junction of two branches: psychology and theatre. It involves the use of role-playing games, clinical analysis of actions, game modelling, and improvisational theatre for the free self-expression of an autistic patient in order to deepen the process of socialisation.
Advantages of drama therapy for autism
The method is simple and effective, but the participation of therapists who are proficient in the technique of its application is required. It gives excellent results for strengthening and shaping psychomotor and social abilities. It is interesting that during correction, such terms as “patient” or “autist” are not used; a child here is a “participant in therapy”. During the classes, participants tell life stories that they have heard about or experienced themselves. But they must tell these stories as if they were on a theatre stage. There is no need to learn the role; improvisation is encouraged.
Drama therapy for autistic children is an activity, a fun way of self-expression, with which it is possible to control emotions, aggression, stiffness, and isolation. It is also an opportunity to find, discover, and show hidden talents. As a result, many participants become independent, confident, and more social.
How is drama therapy beneficial for autism?
When creativity connects different children with their different characters and particularities of worldview, it produces positive results. When children prepare for a therapeutic performance, many traumas emerge in the minds of participants. If a child is withdrawn, theatrical expression of their traumas helps them become more social. They learn to behave openly, and their attitude towards themselves and the world changes.
Theatre for autistic people — foreign experience
The therapeutic effectiveness and advantages for the psyche are evidenced by the fact that drama therapy is actively practised in schools, clinics, and institutions working with asocial people. It is possible to smooth out many rough edges, change the participant’s attitude towards the world around them, and teach a child self-realisation with the help of drama therapy.
The effectiveness of drama therapy for ASD
The low popularity of the technique in evidence-based medicine is due to the fact that many people have stereotypical thinking and do not take it seriously. But it really helps with active socialisation. It is also noteworthy that drama therapy for children with ASD is an additional correction method, and it does not directly change the pathogenesis of the disease. Another advanced method can solve the problem of its occurrence.
Treatment of autism with stem cells at the Mardaleishvili Medical Center is an innovation in demand all over the world.
There are many benefits of stem cell transplants to treat childhood autism. These include:
- Cellular restoration of the brain, which is unique to this method;
- Powerful healing of the entire body;
- Enhanced effects of other procedures;
- Significant reduction of symptoms.
Treatment of childhood autism spectrum disorder in Georgia has been performed with this method for over two decades. The clinic employs professionals in their fields, creates the most comfortable conditions for patients, and offers affordable prices for medical services.
This autism treatment is a chance for a child to overcome the disease. Take advantage of it!
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Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
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