Mardaleishvili Medical Center Breakthrough Stem Cell transplantation for Autism Treatment
Reducing the symptoms of Autism drastically with a simple medical procedure
Using the most advanced equipment & modern facilities to ensure the health & happiness of the child & family

Kinesitherapy for Autism


The term “kinesitherapy” means treatment through physical activity without the use of medications. This method is based on the principles of biomechanics, anatomy, and pathophysiology. Treatment of childhood autism with kinesitherapy normalises the central nervous system and restores natural coordination of movements.

Features of kinesitherapy in the treatment of autism

Spontaneous and poorly controlled body movements are characteristic of autistic people. Their brains do not perceive limbs as tools for performing certain actions. It often happens that some motor skills are not formed at all. In combination with mental retardation, these symptoms interfere with the normal socialisation of a child.

Exercise therapy for autism helps develop:

  • Body balance
  • Coordination of movements
  • Muscles and strength in general
  • Spatial orientation
  • Dexterity
  • Sensory experience
  • Ability to manipulate objects
  • Clear sensation of arms and legs and an understanding of how to use them

Kinestatics is a general name for the body’s different abilities to perceive and analyse information using its senses. This physiotherapy for autism actively stimulates these senses, encouraging the development of intelligence, determination, initiative, and activeness.

Specialised gymnastics for autistic people

An individual set of exercises has to be composed for comprehensive rehabilitation of the autist’s condition. A specialised doctor or expert works out a treatment protocol after consultation with the child’s:

  • Kinesitherapist
  • Psychologist
  • Speech therapist
  • Physiotherapist

Parents can participate in the treatment process. An integrated approach to therapy guarantees active development and deepening of social skills.

Social adaptation after kinesitherapy for autism

The development of communication skills is possible only after the normalisation of motor skills. At this stage, specialists work with children in small groups, teaching them how to communicate with each other. The result manifests in the independent initiating of interaction, participation in common games, and the expression of adequate and appropriate emotions.

Therapeutic effect of kinesitherapy for autism

The method is characterised by excellent influence on the human body and coordination of movements. The effects listed above are real and achievable in a clinical setting or with home exercises. It is possible to obtain a set of exercises from a doctor and to introduce this physiotherapeutic practise into constant use at home for maintaining a child’s well-being in general. Modern medicine offers an advanced treatment for autism — cellular correction.

You can undergo effective treatment for ASD at the Mardaleishvili Medical Centre in Georgia. The innovative procedure of cell transplantation is more effective than exercise therapy because it reconstructs the brain.

A child’s stem cells, which can be obtained from umbilical cord blood or bone marrow, are needed for the treatment of autism spectrum disorder. The procedure is intended for patients of a wide age range and is more financially accessible in Georgia than in European countries. Cellular treatment of autism in childhood results in the restoration of the brain’s correct structure, a unique effect of this therapy that is not characteristic of other methods.

You can sign up for the correction of childhood autism online right now — you will receive more detailed information for a healthy future for your child!

Autism Treatment Center Videos

Autism treatment with own stem cells

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International Quality Crown

Autism Treatment Reviews

Autism treatment with own stem cells

The story of Alessandro (6 years old)

Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment

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