Mardaleishvili Medical Center Breakthrough Stem Cell transplantation for Autism Treatment
Reducing the symptoms of Autism drastically with a simple medical procedure
Using the most advanced equipment & modern facilities to ensure the health & happiness of the child & family

Puppet Therapy for Autism


Childhood autism is characterised by three main disorders:

  • Lack of mutual communication
  • Lack of social interaction
  • Stereotypical behaviour

Treating childhood autism with toys helps eliminate these disorders. An autistic person lives in their own world, which is incomprehensible and closed to others. Everything that is outside this world causes hostility and fear. Therefore, an autist will resist when other people invade this world. Even when playing in a group with children, a child with ASD does not play with them; the child plays with themselves when they are close to others.

Puppet therapy for autism is designed to:

  • Improve an autistic child’s ability to understand social communication.
  • Increase their activity when interacting with children by taking the child out of their own world and showing them that the surrounding reality can be interesting and safe.
  • Expand their creative thinking and imagination to comprehend everything that was seen.

Puppet therapy for ASD involves studying the child’s behaviour during play in order to determine the possibilities and exercises of puppet therapy. For example, if a child involuntarily sways from side to side, it is possible to adapt to this behaviour and turn it into a game, like riding a boat or moving on a swing. Copying this behaviour in a playful way is very good for finding a ‘common language’ and emotional contact.

Puppet therapy as a method of psychological correction is good both at home and during therapeutic sessions with a specialist. The method has many varieties: relaxation, communication, developmental, fostering, and educational doll therapy for autistic children. It is possible to choose among these approaches the one that is suitable for any situation, for a child of any age who still plays with toys, and to adapt it to the characteristics of the psyche and brain functionality of a particular individual.

Many people mistakenly neglect the methodology, forgetting that play is the best way to teach children. The relaxed atmosphere and sincere interest encourage communication, and therapists manage to “talk” to many children during the game. Puppet therapy for an autistic person certainly uses a variety of toys that are appropriate to the age and development level of the child. A particular toy can be used to transfer the projection of the child’s inner world and serve as the key to revealing it.

Puppet therapy for children with ASD is actively used in clinics and educational institutions. It helps correct symptoms but, unfortunately, does not cure pathology. However, there is a modern alternative.

The Mardaleishvili Medical Center is a modern clinic that conducts innovative cell therapy for autism.

This is the newest procedure that has recently begun to be used to help patients with ASD. Now it is carried out in the best clinics around the world for many other incurable diseases. The method is based on the use of the restorative potential of stem cells, which are capable of replacing pathological cells in the body of a sick person with naturally “correct” analogues. When correcting childhood autism, stem cells identify elements with genetic mutations in the brain and eliminate them. As a result, it solves the problem of the occurrence of the disease, reduces symptoms, and significantly improves all brain functions.

Get stem treatment for your child’s autism spectrum disorder, use doll therapy, and you will achieve better results!

Autism Treatment Center Videos

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Autism Treatment Reviews

Autism treatment with own stem cells

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Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment

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