Mardaleishvili Medical Center Breakthrough Stem Cell transplantation for Autism Treatment
Reducing the symptoms of Autism drastically with a simple medical procedure
Using the most advanced equipment & modern facilities to ensure the health & happiness of the child & family

Self-Therapy for Autism


The capabilities of the human brain are limitless. This statement is continually confirmed by people with severe, incurable conditions who overcome them with the power of will, self-suggestion, and conviction. Many cases of “miraculous healing” are well-known in official medical practice, and autism is no exception.

The correct therapeutic beliefs can be instilled not only by an adult but also by a child. Especially a child, as during childhood and adolescence, the brain is highly plastic and can believe many things that not every adult would. Autism is a multifaceted condition with many manifestations.

There are patients with severe forms of ASD, where some children face significant challenges in learning and processing information. Of course, the method of self-healing for autism may not be suitable for such patients. Other autistic individuals may have extraordinary brain functioning abilities. Self-therapy for ASD under the guidance of a psychologist, educator, or parent does not have negative consequences, so it is definitely worth trying.

The main goal of self-therapy for children with autism is to make them believe that they are an important part of a healthy society, to convince them of their independence and completeness. Affirmations can help with this, which should be constantly repeated to the child, encouraging them to transform “You” into a conscious “I.”

Self-Therapy Guidelines for ASD:

  • “You are healthy.”
    And this is true, as autism is merely a feature of psychological development. It cannot be fully eliminated, but teaching a child to live with it without problems is possible.
  • “You are special, and this is your strength.”
    Yes, people with differences in worldview or behavior will always attract attention. And it is not always pleasant. But many famous, talented people also had certain mental disorders. For example, Mozart, Einstein, Darwin, and Jefferson were also autistic.
  • “You are capable.”
    It doesn’t matter if you know a lot, what matters is knowing what’s necessary. Don’t compare yourself to your peers — some may excel in mathematics, others in creativity. Both types of success are important.
  • “You have unique abilities.”
    Here it is important to focus on the fact that every person has their own abilities and show that the features of an autistic child are normal and exist in others as well.
  • “You are like everyone else.”
    Don’t place children with ASD in a special category — they can learn just like others, participate in social activities, and lead a similar lifestyle.

Do not self-medicate.

In some cases, this recommendation is crucial, as not every person can use the limitless power of their brain for healing. In this case, self-therapy should always be supported by clinical therapy, or better yet, by innovative methods with practically proven effectiveness. Among such new treatment methods is stem cell therapy at the Mardaleishvili Medical Center in Georgia.

Stem Cell Correction for Childhood Autism is a procedure of stem cell transplantation for deep autism treatment, addressing a wide range of symptoms associated with the condition.

The method works as follows:

  • The doctor collects stem cells from the patient’s own body.
    ● They multiply the cells and return them to the body.
    ● Upon reaching the brain, these cells identify and eliminate pathological elements that caused autism, replacing them with healthy counterparts.

The effect of this “cellular brain reconstruction” for treating autism spectrum disorder in children is unique to this method and is not found in any other technique. Therefore, many are eager to undergo this one-of-a-kind procedure.

Book a convenient day for stem cell transplantation treatment for autism in children — it’s the best alternative to self-therapy.


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Autism treatment with own stem cells

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Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment

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