Swimming and Autism
The pathogenesis of ASD is aggravated by various negative symptoms. Doctors try to correct them using different methods. Swimming for autists and aquaphysical exercises are prescribed as sports activities under the guidance of a trainer.
Aquatherapy for autism helps to cope with the following phenomena and forms of behaviour:
- Unmotivated outbursts of anger and aggression
- Instability in mood, “emotional swings,” impulsive actions
- Stereotypical, repetitive, obsessive movements
- Persistent obstinacy, reluctance to follow requests, desire to do “everything after his kind”
- Obtrusiveness, antisocial behaviour, etc.
These phenomena are associated with a disorder of the emotional background. They ruin the lives of both the child and the people around them. Aquatherapy is an excellent way to normalise the psychoemotional state, form a positive attitude towards life, and provide partial assistance in socialisation.
It is scientifically proven that sports are very important for autists. According to statistics, children with ASD enjoy activities in the pool most of all. They perceive water more favourably than other types of exercise therapy. Children do not experience pronounced emotional and physical stress in the pool.
3 main effects of aquatherapy for children with ASD
Positive sensory activation in environments perceived as “safe” by an autist
A pool has a pleasant and warm atmosphere for children. They feel themselves safe thanks to hydrostatic pressure, like in a mother’s womb. This calms them down and encourages them to accept training from an instructor. So, the effect will be better than with other types of physical therapy.
Anxiety relief and relaxation
While swimming, children with ASD do not worry or feel fear, so they can relax. They more easily interact with the instructor and other children. Aquatherapy can significantly reduce the intensity of anger attacks and eliminate depression. Additionally, it:
- Trains a sense of balance and coordination of movements
- Strengthens the vestibular apparatus
Improvement of attentiveness and visual perception
Also, swimming for children with autism has a positive effect on visual, cognitive, and behavioural factors. Thus, it will help to eliminate stereotypical movements. Physical exercises in the pool positively affect everyday skills and the ability to self-care. They add decisiveness and accuracy in performing certain actions by a child and develop patience and endurance.
Without a doubt, all of the above-mentioned effects will help in better mastering the school curriculum.
But a more effective alternative to swimming is treatment with stem cells in Georgia.
Such correction of childhood autism is very popular and in demand today because it eliminates many symptoms of ASD and, most importantly, helps to restore the correct structure of the brain. This has the maximum impact on the disease and helps to cope with its symptoms.
Cellular treatment of childhood autism spectrum disorder is rightfully considered a “ticket to the future” for a child. You, too, can undergo a procedure for stem cell transplantation in Georgia! It is safe, beneficial for the whole body, has no serious contraindications, and is well tolerated by children of any age.
Fill out the feedback form on the website of the Mardaleishvili Medical Centre — get a free consultation and make an appointment.
Autism Treatment Center Videos
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Cord blood association congress
International Quality Crown
Autism Treatment Reviews
Autism treatment with own stem cells
The story of Alessandro (6 years old)
Autism Patient Testimonial - Stem Cell Treatment
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Feedback from Abibe, Selim’s mother (7 years old) Read More